Sound Journeys are inner journeys guided by numerous sounds all with varying frequencies and vibrations. Embarking on a Sound Journey experience with the Holistik Healing Hub (HHH) will be a journey of emotions, deep relaxation, deep connection with your inner self, releasing of blockages, revitalisation, softness, healing and inspiration of mind, body and soul.
Your HHH sound journey facilitator will guide you to be held by the soundscape created by a combination of live instrumental sounds and recorded sounds to create a blend to entice the senses, body and mind into a deep sense of relaxation and cellular recuperation. The sounds enable you to still the mind as you turn your focus to listening and drop out of your personality and mind, and to touch the part of you who is in unity with All. In this, you emerge renewed, confident and empowered. Your anxieties, worries and problems dissolve into this bigger knowing that touches you, as you unite with the sounds around you.
Some of our practitioners have worked with young people with learning disabilities, with emotional dis-regulation, autism and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and have seen a great reduction in these behaviours. Some of our team members have worked with our elder community and noticed profound sense of well- being after the sessions.